Install an HTML Email Signature in Outlook, Gmail and Apple Mail

  Jeroen Seynhaeve     2023-10-07 Install an HTML Email Signature in Outlook, Gmail and Apple Mail

HTML email signatures are widely used, and recommended for branding and marketing purposes. But they can be more complex than expected, mostly due to email client quirks – over which we have little or no control. Not all email clients render HTML in the same way, so your signature may not appear as expected to everyone. Keeping the design simple and widely supported helps mitigate issues.

Why HTML Email Signatures Are Tricky

  1. 1. Email Client Inconsistencies: Different email clients (like Outlook, Gmail, Apple Mail) render HTML in slightly different ways. Outlook, in particular, uses Microsoft Word’s engine to render HTML, which can lead to unpredictable layouts compared to web browsers.
  2. 2. Image Handling: Many email clients block images by default until the recipient manually approves them. As a result, you need to add appropriate alt text and ensure the email still looks professional without images.
  3. 3. CSS Support Limitations: Not all email clients fully support modern CSS, and many email clients strip out external stylesheets. For instance, certain styling properties, like flexbox or background images, may not work as intended in email clients like Outlook. This means you have to stick to basic, “safe” HTML and inline styles to ensure consistency.
  4. 4. Responsiveness: Ensuring the signature looks good on both desktop and mobile devices is another challenge, which requires extra effort with media queries and flexible layouts.


General tips for coding and installation

  1. Keep HTML simple
  2. Fonts: you cannot attach custom fonts to an email signature, so use standard, web-safe fonts
  3. Layout – Use tables instead of divs
  4. CSS – Use inline CSS as opposed to external CSS files
  5. Colours – Use hex instead of rgba
  6. Images – Link the img src tag to external files (https://www.). For Outlook, after you’ve copied the signature from your browser into Outlook signature, manually re-insert the images as Outlook images.
  7. Outlook pro tip – In fact, in Outlook, don’t bother copying HTML from your browser. You’re much safer setting up an HTML signature directly, manually in Outlook > Settings > Signatures


1.Outlook HTML Email Signature

Copy and Paste Method

Direct HTML Method (More reliable but requires access to signature folder)


2. Gmail


3. Apple Mail