Jeroen Seynhaeve     2023-02-20 POPIA / PAIA Manual


PAIA : Access to Information

In terms of your constitutional right of access to information and the Promotion of Access to Information Act (2 of 2000), you may request access to any information held by Online Brand Ambassadors, only if:-

  1. You comply with the provisions in section 53 PAIA;
  2. The grounds for refusal of access to records set out in ss62-70 PAIA do not apply; and
  3. You have duly completed  Form C and sent to our Information Officer;


POPIA : Personal Information

In terms of your constitutional right to privacy and the Protection of Personal Information Act (4 of 2013), you may request us to confirm whether or not we hold personal information about you, and request from us the record or a description of that information, including information about the identity of all third parties, who have, or have had, access to that information, only if:-

  1. You comply with the provisions in sections 23 POPIA and 53 PAIA;
  2. The grounds for refusal of access to records set out in ss62-70 PAIA do not apply; and
  3. You have duly completed  Form 1 and sent to our Information Officer.
  4. You may object  Form 1 to us processing personal information about you, request us  Form 2 to correct or delete personal information about you that is inaccurate, irrelevant, excessive, out of date, incomplete, misleading or obtained unlawfully, and request us  Form 2 to destroy or delete a record of personal information about you that we are no longer authorised to retain in terms of section 14 POPIA.